Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Por Toutatis! Estes...erm...Australianos são loucos!

Estava eu sossegado a almoçar quando passou na sic uma notícia com o título "Australiano pôs bébé na máquina de secar"... ora como a TV estava sem som, não tive escolha senão investigar online. E eis que ...

"A 13-month-old Perth baby sustained major burns when she was put in a clothes dryer, police said.

The baby was left with her mother's boyfriend at a home in suburban Warwick while the woman went to a gym for about an hour on Thursday.

The baby spilt liquid on herself and the man put her in the clothes dryer and turned it on, police said.

"The person we allege has done the act has stated that he has put the child into a clothes tumble dryer, closed the door and turned it on for a couple of minutes," Senior Detective Deb Newman said. "The child had burns to both feet, to one of her hands, burns and bruising to her back and bruising to her forehead.

"The injuries are horrific. In my years of being a police officer I have not seen this type of injury before."

The mother returned home to find her baby had serious burns but her boyfriend did not mention the dryer, she said.

Snr Det Newman said the mother was distraught. However, she was assured her baby would make a full recovery and would be released from the burns unit later this week.

Samuel Marc Barnes Siddall, 21, of Beldon, appeared in Perth Magistrate's Court yesterday charged with causing bodily harm or danger.

He was granted bail on condition that he did not approach, or contact, the mother and child. He is due to appear in court at a date to be set." - in

Portanto... o bebé entornou algo, a solução ideal é enfia-lo na máquina de secar :S Eu podia jurar que com 21 anos o meu cérebro já funcionava! Mal, é certo (alias, como agora)... mas há coisas que são demasiado absurdas para passar pela cabeça de alguém. Ninguem o enfiará a ele num forno industrial a ver se fica quentinho no Inverno, por exemplo? Por outro lado, a cena é na Austrália, o nosso antípoda. Andar sempre a fazer o pino não deve fazer nada bem à cabeça...


Anubis Antas said...

Eu já tinha ouvido falar em pôr as peúgas molhadas no micro-ondas, 30 segundos, para as secar...

Mas esta é escabrosa !!

Anonymous said...

Argh! Isto é pior que o Hostel!

Anonymous said...

Não sejas assim. A culpa é do fabricante de máquinas que não colocou a etiqueta "Não meter miudos". Vais ver que vão ser processados. Ah, isso não é nos states, o país do 8 e do 80, onde os juízes não têm a noção de hmmm "Bom senso" ?

Unknown said...

:S n há cura...para a burrice.